When she made the much-acclaimedGantumoote, director Roopa Rao was clear that the story had to encapsulate the life’s journey of her protagonists. While fans of the film are still hung over its afte...
Director Roopa Rao was very clear that her film Gantumoote needed to encompass the life journey of the protagonists. Despite the lingering impact of the film on fans, Roopa has announced her next project, Gochara, with a clear distinction from Gantumoote 2. She explains, "While this is not a sequel, there is a connection that viewers will discover when they watch the film." Gochara explores the story of a woman traveling solo, a concept inspired by Roopa's personal existential reflections. She notes, "The perception of women traveling alone by men is a central theme in the film. I hope to inspire women to feel empowered and challenge outdated beliefs."